A YeAr PaSSed Ad

Assalamualaikum everyone, its been so longggg. Omg! Nearly forgot how to write. Hahhahahha

So im a kerdil  ho now. For a year. Ye setahun sudah aku kerja.

Its hard to believe. Aku mana pernah kerja sebelum ni. Asal cuti je goyang kaki. Hahaa

So, aku akhirnya pilih Kuala Pilah guys. I dont know. I dont know if this related to last impression that particular dr i met before ke hape yg aku pun x igt muka die dh. Tp yaa.. Im a ho in htan now.

Aku selalu try clarify. Y did i do this y i did that sebab aku selalu confuse. What am i doing now actually???

Kadang tu aku macam.. Entah. Just go with the flow sampai lupa. Xigt. Or sebenanya yg lebih tepat xtahu ape tujuan n matlamat aku sekarang ni. Come on la. U cant be like that girl if u want a better outcome. So u wont waste ur effort. Ur time. Ur youth. Shit. My youth is gone. I passed 25 already.

So sekarang ni aku nak bebel ape sebenarnya aku sendiri pun xtahu.


So aku pilih pilah sebab konon its not too far, not too near to my home. So i wont hotelized my sweet home. U know menghotelkan rumah. Hmm. Maksud aku ko tahu g keje blk keje je. Smue bnd kt rmh tu ko xtolong, xbuat, faham x. Haha

Even though i know i m hotelizing jugak setiap kali aku blk cuti. Xpe. At least bukan hari3. Alasonn! Haha. Kbye

Lg satu konon sis nk independent. Nk belajar hidup sendiri. Tuihhhh
Sekarang rasain lorhh. Nangiss

Damn it. Aku rasa jauh gileeeeeee dr family. Dr rumah. Lonely weh. Kalau kerja happy2 xpe... Ni... Hmm. Xnk cite la.

Dh la




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