
Hi there!  Assalamualaikum.

I bet no one is reading mine actually. but for my own sake. i prefer to write here. well, its 2018 now. i always write here when i dont really think that i got other place to bebel. its a bit safer here, I guess!
i tried twitter, but it doesnt work much for me. it gave me headache.

ive been thinking on how to improve myself in terms of everything. yupp, everything does mean EVERYTHING! i know i am no where to be perfect. whether its duniawi or ukhrowi things.

i change then i revert then i change and i fail again and again and again.. for now, im not sure which topic i would like to share here. maybe i will just type randomly what cross my mind now.

i went to some places recently. ouh, yeah. i graduated last year on October. Alhamdulillah. my blood sweat and tears yang bergelen gelen tu paid off. Now, im having a very long holiday. the days that ive been waiting deadly so much for yearsss. as usual, when we are in the situation itself, its too overwhelming. things does not always go the way we want. did it? hope, plan, truth and reality is way more creative in blending these days.

i went to Makkah and Madinah for umrah with my parents. Alhamdulillah. moments that i would cherish till jannah inshaAllah.

so! my current obsession now is on korean skincare. i watched and read everything i could find through this helpful internet. all the products, popular safe and new brands, reviews, facts and guides in understanding the ingredients etc. i have sensitive combination skin. there are a lot of product in the market that target to specific skin issues but how do i start? there goes my unstoppable mini research. hahahaha. i found cosrx is a bit reliable and cheaper than the other korean skincare. i think Klair's also a good brand. but im broke af now. so bye bye Klair's

the other thing is, i tried photobook. i compiled my graduation day photos and get it posted to me after few weeks. my father was so happy with the photobook and so excited till he plan for a very long term plan which i can say, Ya Allah Abah, calm down please~ hahahaha. and as usual, he will drag me to involve in his project. always. yeah he always did this to me. ha ha.

well, maybe thats all for now. cutiku tak seperti yang kubayangkan selama ini. HAHAHAHAHAHA. tak sempat nak tengok online korean drama pon macam selalu buat time study dulu. can u imagine how my schedule for this so called holiday? unpredictable betul. lagi2 ada Abah yang pencen and sangat unstoppable. Aigooo~ hahahaha. Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal Allah the almighty ;D love u Abah Mak ;'D


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