BeLLa nTv 7

assalamualaikum ;]

Hari ni nak promote siket pasal talk show di ntv7.
hahah. xde keje kan? macam takde benda lain nak tulis.

aku suka tengok hosts Bella.

Daphne Iking

Vanessa Chong

Elaine Daly

Deborah Henry

the way diorang bercakap, entertain their guest, spontaneous reaction, their expression dan ke-sesuka hati-an mereka berborak or discuss on something. I just like to watch them. hehe. tapi, kalau tiba-tiba rasa not interested on their topic, senang je. Find your remote and click next program. haha. kan senang :D

my fav host dalam ni Daphne dengan Vanessa. Gile-gile, hyper-active,'slambe',lawak semua ada. hahaha. try la tengok. dapat info.boleh practice listening. hahah. plus, english diorang senang faham.*yelaa, aku mane faham sangat kalau native speaker yang jadi host. mesti mata gatal nak gak baca subtitle bawah tu. 

ok la bye~  Tak rugi kalau try tengok :D


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