sILent or sPEak
sHould yOu speak Or stay Silent???
1- when a person is sad or frustrate on something after he or she put such a big effort on it.
me : silent, give he or she a space please.. she or he need to calm herself, think it from positive point of view, and rebuild the confident to try again and continue living. yeah!!
2- when a person think you are wrong but you are not.
me : speak, defend yourself or you will regret..
There was a scene...
A girl and an uncle and some CASHIERS of '' anak lelaki MR. PARK store ''.
The girl seem happy that she got to buy an item..
The cashier scanned the item, beep,,
She stood quite far from the cashier because the counter is EMPTY..
she was happy!! remember that.
She gave the cashier a note,
just enough for the item ( $***.95 ) that she bought..
and an uncle came from back..
Cashier : '' do you want plastic?''
Girl : ''oh, sure =).. why not?? haha. ''
Thus, the total was $ ***.15 .
Unfortunately the girl doesn't has any coin. SERIOUSLY..
There was an uncle who stood in front of the cashiers.
He said to the girl silently, '' don't you know to queue?? ''
just because he stood NEARER to the cashier.. =______=''
He claimed that the girl doesn't queue.
The girl heard that, but she just ignore on it because she is the one who came first AND she has another problem to deal with..
Girl : I dont have any coin..
Uncle : ( keep mumbling on the QUEUE matter.. )
Girl : Can I cancel the plastic, and you keep the change??
Cashier : No you can't. We cellophaned it. (die da sello tape plastic bag tuh pastu buat muke selenge -..-)
The uncle threw a 20 cents to the counter.
The girl and the cashiers shocked!!
The girl looked at the uncle's face.
She looked confused...
She smiled at him and thanked him ( automatically )with strange feeling AND face...
She left with puzzles in her mind...
The girl shocked and felt awful...
me : bagi aku, pakcik tu tak patut buat lagu tuh. die xpatut kata budak tu
potong line padahal die da hulo duet kat cashier tu waktu die sampai..
dah tu, dok baling2 duet pulaaaakkk.. hee, geramnye,GERAMNYE!!!!!!
moral of the story : kite kalau nak tolong orang, tolong elok2..
contoh : xpa dek, pakcik blanja awak 20 sen..
haa, kan sejuk tlinga bila dga.. haih..
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3- bile kawan kite yang jadi budak atas tuh.
me :
speak, kalau rasa dapat bagi nasihat or pandangan yang tenangkan hati die yang terkedu.
stay silent, kalu tengok muke die macam nak nangis dekat situ jugak... jangan tanya die apa2, or cakap kat die itu perkara kecil jaa, or cakap '' awat hang tak gitu gini?? '' percaya laa kalau budak diperlakukan sebegitu oleh orang yang dewasa, kompem terkedu, tekejot, SENTAP, apa lagi??
4- hang suka kat orang yang membe hang pon minat...
me : stay silent
aihh,, toksah nak segan malu..
aku tau daa..
biasa la tuh, kita suka, orang sebelah pon suka, orang tepi suka, orang belakang suka, huh, suma pon suka laa..
awat hang bukak lagu nih? hang pena rasa kaa??
tipu jaa..[=..=]
pasai pa xpena, mesti la pena.. banyak kali daa.
biasa la tu...
awat hang xmau SPEAK out???
saya bole cari lain, petik skali, 1000 mai~~~
[ --____________-- ]'' bukan 1000 lari kaa??
xda laa, aku seda aku sapa,
budak yang suka perah santan pastu buat produk santan kotak jaa...xp
aku diam, sebab, aku akan berdoa,
kalu betol la dia tuh orang yang btoi2 untuk aku, dan aku untk dia, aihh, geli pulak tiba2..
kami akan bertemu jugak nanti dengan izin Yng Maha Mengetahui...
xkan ke mana laa jodoh tu nak pi,,,hehe
tapi kalau dia memang yang terbaik untuk member aku,
smoga berbahgia laa dia dengan kawan aku hingga ke akhirat. =Dsenyum ikhlas.
haa, atas tu suma aku punya opinION onION jaa..
salam sejahtera =DD