

As  a beginner, 
i hope that my decision to involve in BLOGGER WORLD, 
may i repeat?? BLOGGER WORLD, the world that related to the world wide web system,
''The World-Wide Web was developed to be a pool of human knowledge, and human culture, which would allow collaborators in remote sites to share their ideas and all aspects of a common project.''
is a right decision that did't harm me and others. HAHHAHAHA

okeh2,udoh2 le dok ckp ong puteh dr td tuh .. hahahaha
haa, tadi da berskema-skema.. skrg kite sempoi yew.. euww=..=''
buat pengetahuan semua,
aku ni memang skema,nerd kutt, lame,.ordinary...
haa, apa lg?? hahaha
tp ak ade style..
haha, sori la klu korg rasa nk munto.. hehe

1. pasai pa hang buat blog tetiba nih??

pasai pa??  okeh, assalammualikum semuaa.. =D pasai pa yaa??
sebaaab, aku seda aku da 18.. ak seorang student dekat satu puncakk tuh.. ak perlu maju satu langkah ke hadapan supaya tak ketinggalan dan terus lame tercice dalam dunie globalisasi.. haha

ok2, siries.  
ak nak share ape2 yg patot dan bole di share kepada semua org yg memerlukan.
ak nak utarakan opinion n onion.. 
*da lme timbg tara pros and cons in blogging..hehe
sempena nk msok 2012,
i set my mind to try it..
u will never know until u try it.. right??

ok2 siries smula,
ak buat blog untuk improve my english..
how derr???
i will do free writing..

what???!!!! hang igt ada org nk baca ka hang punya essay? derr~~

hahaha. bkn writing yg ber jela-jela tu laa..
ak cuma cdg nk tulih in english jaa.. 
tp of course laa not fully english for the whole entry..
ak cdg nk tulis A paragraph in english and not rojak2..
nk repeat, nk repeat..
A PARAGRAPH jaa.. at least..
the rest,
aihhh, blog ak, up to me laa.. hehehe

2. hang nk jd kn blog ni diary hang ka???

HAAH, awat?? xbole ka~~?? hangpa semua xsuka kaa??
hahahahaa. joke jaa..
xda la, ak kn da kata.. ak nk share mklumat, opinION..
tp.klu TERcerita psl diri sendiri tuh.. sori laa..sikit2 ja puun.. ye dak??

ok laa, sekian saja untk intro.. ak tahu, aku ni bkn sapa2..
aku xtekejut pun klu blog aku ni tros behabuk dan aku syok sendiri tulih padahal tadak sapa baca.
xpaa, yg penting ak da cuba..
bye2~~ slmt sejahtera semua.



HS said…
yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...apasai hang ckp lagu org kedah nie?
Rossales said…
sbb aku 1malaysia. hahaha

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