
Bismillahirrohmaanirrohim As a beginner, i hope that my decision to involve in BLOGGER WORLD, may i repeat?? BLOGGER WORLD, the world that related to the world wide web system, ''The World-Wide Web was developed to be a pool of human knowledge, and human culture, which would allow collaborators in remote sites to share their ideas and all aspects of a common project.'' is a right decision that did't harm me and others. HAHHAHAHA okeh2,udoh2 le dok ckp ong puteh dr td tuh .. hahahaha haa, tadi da berskema-skema.. skrg kite sempoi yew.. euww=..='' buat pengetahuan semua, aku ni memang skema,nerd kutt , lame,.ordinary... haa, apa lg?? hahaha tp ak ade style.. haha, sori la klu korg rasa nk munto.. hehe 1. pasai pa hang buat blog tetiba nih?? pasai pa?? okeh, assalammualikum semuaa.. =D pasai pa yaa?? sebaaab, aku seda aku da 18.. ak seorang student dekat satu puncakk tuh.. ak perlu maju satu langkah ke hadapan supaya tak ketinggalan dan terus la...