
Showing posts from 2019

A YeAr PaSSed Ad

Assalamualaikum everyone, its been so longggg. Omg! Nearly forgot how to write. Hahhahahha So im a kerdil  ho now. For a year. Ye setahun sudah aku kerja. Its hard to believe. Aku mana pernah kerja sebelum ni. Asal cuti je goyang kaki. Hahaa So, aku akhirnya pilih Kuala Pilah guys. I dont know. I dont know if this related to last impression that particular dr i met before ke hape yg aku pun x igt muka die dh. Tp yaa.. Im a ho in htan now. Aku selalu try clarify. Y did i do this y i did that sebab aku selalu confuse. What am i doing now actually??? Kadang tu aku macam.. Entah. Just go with the flow sampai lupa. Xigt. Or sebenanya yg lebih tepat xtahu ape tujuan n matlamat aku sekarang ni. Come on la. U cant be like that girl if u want a better outcome. So u wont waste ur effort. Ur time. Ur youth. Shit. My youth is gone. I passed 25 already. So sekarang ni aku nak bebel ape sebenarnya aku sendiri pun xtahu. #irantalot So aku pilih pilah sebab konon its not too far, not too n...