
Showing posts from 2014


if they leave,  just because they are selfish. if they come to u,  they just wanna use you. its really obvious . cant run from those people if you live in full of competitive community right? so frustrating. i know it and i hate it. why haaa? why it has to be this way? ewww


aku sibuk hantar report, org laen sibuk hantar kad kawen. torbaekk


Banyak benda yg aku belajar setiap saat aku ditimpa musibah. Dalam bnyk2 kejadian tu, satu bnd yg aku btol2 sedar hr ni. Aku sedih dgn diri aku yg skrg. Aku sedar setiap kesusahan yg timpa aku, Allah nk igtkn aku sbnanye. Alhamdulillah. Trime kasih ya Allah.  status kwn aku yg btol2 mencerahkn lg msg yg ptt aku sedar dr dulu lg. Jaga hubungan dgn Allah Allah jg hubungan kite dgn manusia. Allah akn dtgkn kpd kita org yg btol2 kasih pd kite. Itu pertolongan ALLAH yg selalu kite xperasan.. astaghfirullahazim..