
Showing posts from June, 2012


assalamualaikum ;] WARNING  !!! Please close this tab or  back off  if you are not interested *peace [-_-]Y again, me with my beloved lego. kuihkuih:D for this entry, the theme is transportation. Babe, sape nak join aku maen????? lai laa, lai laa, datang rumah aku. main dengan aku. hehe cool x? best x? hehheh. mai la maen dengan aku! traffic light. made by adek. kan aku da kate adek aku memang cool lagi awesome! HAHAHAH colourful   lorry  i'm sure even kids wouldn't scared of this lorry. wee~ *public confession : dulu, aku takut lori. waktu aku balik tadika kadang-kadang nenek jemput naik basikal. we used to walk together rather than naik basikal  sebab lori besau-besau  babe kat jalan tuh. kami yang di tepi jalan akan rasa vibration when they passed along the road. :[ alamak, nak nanges pulok. terima kasih banyak banyak banyak banyak nenek :'] hmmh, bile aku da jadi batak, maka terimalah~~ pictures of the same item, from various angle. h...


assalamualaikum ;] WARNING  !!! Please close this tab or  back off  if you are not interested *peace [-_-]Y  ironman *malasnakbuatbodydie -.-  sheep  high-heeled shoe Lady LEGO ROBOT ADEK *cool la adek aku ;] kbye.


  assalamualaikum ;] WARNING  !!! Please close this tab or  back off  if you are not interested *peace [-_-]Y here you go. our other creationsss! nge hee hee. intro ;]  woahho!! 'kretip'nya kami. [^_-]Y  singa 1  *arrogant sikit -.-'  singa 2 *humble.ekor rendah ;]  gajah 1  gajah 2 gajah 3  burung angkasa wan wari *gempak x adek aku?? heheh  weaponed robot  outro ;]


assalamualaikum ;] kabare my pren?? just nak cakap. i am a weak hamba. sometimes, i know what should i do and what should i NOT do. oh my english!! *btolkahayatitu?-.- sembahyang or lebih tepat SOLAT as a Muslim, Solat is considered as pillar=tiang of the deen=agama. so, we are encouraged to perform it as soon as possible . but,believe me. it is really hard to be done. for a common people. like me honestly, aku bukan la seorang yang cukup kuat lagi. aku selalu fluctuate  *problemvocablagiakunih -.-' sampaibile derr??! you know what i did especially when Isha'?? p/s: ini cdgn untuk yang baru nak merangkak macam aku. aku tahu, banyak lagi cara yang lebih tepat.lebih bersifat ilmiah. tapi bukan senang sesetengah orang nak laksanakan. bawah ni aku cerita cara untuk yang baru 'merangkak' *mcmaku:'[ kite cuba pelan-pelan ye.. ;] usually,after Maghrib people will stay on their sejadah until Isha'. I am so happy if i could be like those people. i have t...


okeh, assalamualaikum semua ;] now, i would like to start posting our creations!!  WARNING  !!! Please close this tab or back off  if you are not interested *peace [-_-]Y i'm glad that my decision to buy this EXPENSIVE  fun LEGO is not really a bad idea.  ngee hee *weirdlaugh i'm proud of myself , my adek-adek, my kakak-kakak and even my MOM. hihi. She also joins us to play those bricks. supporting gile la mak. hehhehe ;]] While abah will give opinion on our creations. Sometime he will gives us grade.  cuba teka grade yang aku selalu dapat. RAHSIA!!!!! bhahaha. my adek's. robot katenye. -.- car.haouse *seriously??haha.pokok mine.mak's.adek's my first [improvised] invention. ;p robot 2 pokok 2 and preview for next LEGO entry ;]


salam sejahtera wahai si rajin yang sudi membaca. hoi, addicted ke, da lame xtulis sini??? haha, kundang EMO. xp hai sayang-sayangku, nak share one of my way to reduce menghadap our loyal friend,si laptop during holiday. hehehe. berhasil tahu?? guess what my pren?? this thing aku pernah main waktu kecik-kecik dulu, so, bile teringat, alamak ai~~ mengidam nak mengimbau nostalgia dulu-dulu main dengan kakak-kakak. hahaha JENG JENG JENG JENG TADAAAAAAAA!!! LEGO  !!! 17th MAY 2012 i should remember this date. hang out with friends and  AND!! bought this expensive thing for real with my own money. oh, mahalnya barang ini *bagiakulaa,oranglainrasebiasejekot,akukanorangbiase,manebiasebelibenda2ni serius, waktu nak beli tu, naseb baek k*k* ade, kalau tak, haihh, xde supporter, selamat la duit aku yang seciut tu, tapi, kempunan pulak nak main. after beli, teros mesej kakak-kakakku yang lebih kedek berjuta kali ganda dari aku. mintak diorang join masuk share, baru la tak ra...

oH bAbE!

assalamualaikum, woahhoho!!  it has been a while that i had not turn on my LOYAL FRIEND *laptop aku lettew and reload my dear phone si hitam yang berat baling anjing mesti pitam.*xtopupberbulalamenye.hahah guess why?? hehe it is because i really want to change my holiday habit. bad habit! absolutely unfavorable and unprofitable habit! i want to stop it! reduce it is more suitable i guess.hehe *unless i am a very the very wise human being in the earth that would use it wisely. my bad ;[ but,  alhamdulillahirobbilalamiin.. * mission is in progress ;] i really really jongmal*hangul=sangat hope that i could be better.  try to figure it out. what am i talking about with all unreliable grammar and vocab.? haiyyooooo, oh my english is so bad!!!!! bianeyo.jongmal biane. i should go back to tadika to learn english!! oh interneto, you made me terleka la babe!-.-''


a few days ago, i realised that i have seen and given a lot of  miracles. unexpected things! yeah, i knew that i am a lucky person. i did appreciate them. inshaALLAH.. but, maybe as the time passes by.. i started to sway. from side to side, backward and forward..  oh ALLAH, please forgive me. please help me, refine me ya ALLAH. i am glad that i have been surrounded by good people.. people who always remind me of ALLAH.. i am fixing my connection people!! do give me your hand! please~~  thank you so much. may ALLAH bless us.