assalamualaikum ;] WARNING !!! Please close this tab or back off if you are not interested *peace [-_-]Y again, me with my beloved lego. kuihkuih:D for this entry, the theme is transportation. Babe, sape nak join aku maen????? lai laa, lai laa, datang rumah aku. main dengan aku. hehe cool x? best x? hehheh. mai la maen dengan aku! traffic light. made by adek. kan aku da kate adek aku memang cool lagi awesome! HAHAHAH colourful lorry i'm sure even kids wouldn't scared of this lorry. wee~ *public confession : dulu, aku takut lori. waktu aku balik tadika kadang-kadang nenek jemput naik basikal. we used to walk together rather than naik basikal sebab lori besau-besau babe kat jalan tuh. kami yang di tepi jalan akan rasa vibration when they passed along the road. :[ alamak, nak nanges pulok. terima kasih banyak banyak banyak banyak nenek :'] hmmh, bile aku da jadi batak, maka terimalah~~ pictures of the same item, from various angle. h...